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Echeveria 'Mont' - sehr seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Mont' - sehr seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

€4,00 – €9,00
Wir bieten die Echeveria 'Mont' folgendermaßen an: - als Vermehrungsblatt - als Pflanze Die Bilder in diesem Angebot sind nur Beispielbilder. Es wird gezeigt, wie eine komplette Pflanze, ein Steckling...
Echeveria 'Bombycina' - schöne, behaarte Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Bombycina' - beautiful, hairy succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,50 – €5,00
We offer the Echeveria 'Bombycina' as follows: - as a plant - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what...
Echeveria mit roten Ecken - schöne grün/rote Sukkulente - Pflanze

Echeveria with red corners - beautiful green/red succulent plant

€3,80 – €5,70
We offer the Echeveria with red corners as follows: - as a plant The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a complete plant, a cutting...
Echeveria shaviana 'Curly Locks' - seltene Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria shaviana 'Curly Locks' - rare succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,00 – €12,50
We offer the cheveria saviana 'Curly Locks' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images...
Echeveria cv. 'Joan Daniel' - seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Korea - Pflanze

Echeveria cv. 'Joan Daniel' - rare and beautiful succulent - Korea - plant

You are bidding on a plant: Echeveria cv. 'Joan Daniel'. The pot size is approximately 8-10 cm. The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a...
Echeveria pulvinata ‘Devotion’ - seltene Sukkulente - 2 x Vermehrungsblätter

Echeveria pulvinata 'Devotion' - rare succulent - 2 x propagation leaves

You are bidding on two propagation leaves for the plant species: Echeveria pulvinata 'Devotion' The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a complete plant, a...
Echeveria 'Raindrops' - seltene und schöne Sukkulente - 1 x Vermehrungsblatt

Echeveria 'Raindrops' - rare and beautiful succulent - 1 x propagation leaf

You are bidding on a propagation leaf for the plant species: Echeveria 'Raindrops' The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a complete plant, a cutting...
Echeveria 'cuspidata pink' - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - pinke Echeveria - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'cuspidata pink' - beautiful and rare succulent - pink Echeveria - propagation leaf or plant

€4,00 – €12,00
We offer the Echeveria 'cuspidata pink' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only....
Echeveria Rainbow Cluster - Echeveria Regenbogen - schöne und sehr seltene Sukkulente - bunte Sukkulente - Pflanze

Echeveria Rainbow Cluster - Echeveria Rainbow - beautiful and very rare succulent - colorful succulent - plant

We offer the Echeveria 'Rainbow' as follows: - as a plant with roots (with approximately two to four shoots) The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows...
Echeveria 'Mont Blanc' - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Mont Blanc' - beautiful and rare succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,33 – €13,78
We offer the Echeveria 'Mont Blanc' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only....
Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush' - seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush' - rare and beautiful succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,00 – €15,00
We offer the Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush' as ​​follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images...
3 x Sukkulenten im 5,5er Topf | Mixpaket | Echeveria, Kalanchoe, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

3 x succulents in a 5.5 pot | Mix pack | Echeveria, Kalanchoe, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

You are buying 3 different succulents in a 5.5 cm pot. We do not send duplicate varieties. The plants are not labeled. We always own and grow new varieties, so...