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Echeveria 'Red Ruby' - seltene Sukkulente - Pflanze oder Vermehrungsblatt

Echeveria 'Red Ruby' - rare succulent - plant or propagation leaf

€3,80 – €13,78
We offer the Echeveria 'Red Ruby' as follows: - as a plant - as a propagation leaf The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a...
Echeveria 'Cubic Frost' - seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Cubic Frost' - rare and beautiful succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€2,85 – €11,88
We offer the Echeveria 'Cubic Frost' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only....
Echeveria 'Rob Roy' - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Rob Roy' - beautiful and rare succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,80 – €11,88
We offer the Echeveria 'Rob Roy' as follows: - as a plant with roots (pot size 8-10 cm) - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing...
Echeveria „Perle von Nürnberg“ - schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria “Pearl of Nuremberg” - beautiful succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€2,85 – €10,93
We offer the Echeveria “Pearl of Nuremberg” as follows: - as a cutting with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images...
Sukkulenten | Mixpaket | Echeveria, Kalanchoe, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

Succulents | Mix pack | Echeveria, Kalanchoe, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

€9,50 – €19,00
When purchasing, choose between our small package of 2 and our medium package of 5 succulents. We do not send duplicate varieties. The plants are not labeled. We always own...
Graptopetalum - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - Sukkulente - Pflanze

Graptopetalum - beautiful and rare succulent - succulent - plant

€2,85 – €7,60
We offer the Graptopetalum as follows: - as a plant with roots Size: 6-8 cm pot size The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a...
Echeveria 'nodulosa' - seltene Sukkulente - Pflanze oder Vermehrungsblatt

Echeveria 'nodulosa' - rare succulent - plant or propagation leaf

€4,28 – €16,63
We offer the Echeveria 'nodulosa' as follows: - as a plant - as a propagation leaf The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what a complete...
Echeveria pulvinata var. rubra - seltene und schöne Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria pulvinata var. rubra - rare and beautiful succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€2,85 – €15,20
We offer Echeveria pulvinata var. rubra as follows: - as a plant with roots (without pot, approx. 6-8 cm) - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this...
Sukkulenten Stecklinge | Mixpaket | Echeveria, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

Succulent cuttings | Mix pack | Echeveria, Pachyveria, Crassula etc.

€9,50 – €19,00
We offer cuttings and propagation leaves of various succulent species such as Echeveria, Pachyveria, Graptoveria, Crassula, Sedum and Graptosedum. When purchasing, choose between our small package of 3, our medium...
Echeveria 'Lilac spoon' - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - lila Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Lilac spoon' - beautiful and rare succulent - purple succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€3,80 – €12,83
We offer the Echeveria 'Lilac spoon' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only....
Senecio Rowleyanus Variegated (Erbsenpflanze) - Steckling oder Pflanze

Echeveria Divers - beautiful blue/purple succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€6,18 – €13,78
We offer the Echeveria Divers as follows: - as a plant - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only. It shows what...
Echeveria 'Chroma' - schöne und seltene Sukkulente - Vermehrungsblatt oder Pflanze

Echeveria 'Chroma' - beautiful and rare succulent - propagation leaf or plant

€2,85 – €9,03
We offer the Echeveria 'Chroma' as follows: - as a plant with roots - as a propagation leaf without roots The images in this listing are sample images only. It...